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您现在的位置: 主页 > 新闻中心开运·kaiyun体育(中国)官方网站|安全提示问题其实并不安全!
作者:开运·kaiyun体育(中国)官方网站    日期:2024-10-06    阅读( )
本文摘要:Security questions risks安全性提醒问题并不安全性Researchers at Google discovered that security questions as a standalone method for recovering access to accounts is not an efficient model.谷歌研究员找到,用安全性问题作为完全恢复账号指定的唯一方式,并不是那么有效地。

Security questions risks安全性提醒问题并不安全性Researchers at Google discovered that security questions as a standalone method for recovering access to accounts is not an efficient model.谷歌研究员找到,用安全性问题作为完全恢复账号指定的唯一方式,并不是那么有效地。The study relied on a dataset of hundreds of millions of secret answers and millions of account recovery requests.该研究基于数亿个安全性问题的答案以及数百万条完全恢复账号指定的催促。If the user set up a truthful answer, according to statistics provided by the researchers, in 19.7% of the cases, an attacker would need a single try to guess the correct answer to the question What is your favorite food? in the case of American users.根据研究者获取的数据,如果用户设置了现实答案,美国用户设置的你最喜欢的食物只需1次尝试就能顺利破解的概率是19.7%;With 10 guesses, an attacker would have a 39% chance of guessing Korean-speaking users answers to the question What is your city of birth?韩语用户设置的你的出生地猜中10次就能顺利破解的概率是39%。

As per their findings, the recovery mechanism based on reset SMS codes recorded a success rate of 81%, while the method relying on backup emails proved to be efficient in 75% of the cases.研究表明,通过短信提供重置码、最合适邮箱来完全恢复登岸的有效性分别为81%、75%。



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